It's been a little over a week since my half marathon and I am ready for a new challenge. I really want to get faster and while the long races to give me a great sense of accomplishment, they deter me from the speed training I need to do if I want to get faster.
I signed up for the Fleet Feet's Women's 5K which is on July 18th. So I have about a month to train to try and get my speed up. My first and only 5K time was 34:28. I really want to get my 5K time to under 30 minutes. This might be agressive for this timeline, but there will always be another race. A PR would be fantastic!
I also joined a Summer Hockey Mixer, so I will be playing hockey 1-3 times per week for the next couple of months. Hockey is a very sprinty sport and after doing mainly longer runs the past couple of months, I have noticed that I am a bit slower on the ice than ussual. So speed work should help more than just my running. I also want to incorperate a step class here and there because they are so much fun and a great workout.
Knowing I wanted to play hockey and do step, I was worried that I wouldn't have time to run enough to get my speed up. Bobbi at NHerShoes just posted about how she trained for a marathon and got a Boston qualifying time while just 3 running days a week, so I'm going to try to incoperate some of her tips.
This is a rough outline of a schedule. The Hockey nights are pretty set in stone, but the other nights might switch around a little. I'm also going to try to fit some weights in.
Basically in addition to other workouts I am going to try to have 1 sprint workout, 1 tempo run and 1 long run per week. Sprints will be a good warm up and cool down with 1-2 minute followed by 1-3 minutes recovery with probably 4-10 total sprints. Tempo runs will be 3 miles at a fast pace - hopefully they will get faster and faster. Long runs will be 5-6 miles.
Have you increased your speed as a runner? How?