Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I run 5"

I went out for my first five mile run outside this past weekend.  I have run five miles on the treadmill a handful of times, but I'd never done it outside.  For the non treadmill & road runners out there, running outside is significantly more difficult for than the treadmill.  I was a little nervous about being able to complete the run. 

Once I was over half way, I became confident I would finish.  I did finish and I finished with an OK time for me.  I averaged just under an 11:30 minute mile. 

This is my snazzy garmin forerunner 305.   It has GPS  and a heart rate monitor, so it tracks my speed and distance throughout my runs.  It really helps keep me motivated and honest in my runs.  I just bought this a couple weeks ago, and so far I love it.  I will probably post more on it once I have had a chance to play with all the bells and whistles.  Notice the cutie pie in the background. 
Towards the end of the run I thought, I can run 5 miles!  I am a 5 mile runner! 

This reminded me of an article I recently read, Flying Solo from the May edition of Runner's World.  The article talks about the difference between being able to run 5 miles and being a 5 mile runner.  Basically the difference is, to be a 5 mile runner, you need to have run 5 miles with some sort of frequency. 

For now, I should probably say "I can run 5" instead of  "I run 5".  Give me a couple more weeks and maybe I'll have enough 5 milers under my belt to be an official 5 mile runner.


  1. I am so impressed. Five miles is a long way to run!

  2. That's a cool gadget! Also, I need some more recent pictures of T!
